Mid Night Ride

Minutemen are the people that are ready at any moment or time

In may 15 1818 paul revere died at age 83

Date was april 18,1774 and this is day that they heard the shot heard round the

Never again will this happen again

In 1775 the mission was to get paul revere to concord

Greats in this war like Benjamin Franklin,Paul Revere,George Washington and a lot of more

He or sam adams did not marry Pocontos

The locations were boston and the 13 colonies

Riders were Prescott Dawes and Paul Revere

In 1775 paul said 1 by land two by sea to tell were there coming from

Did Paul Revere say the british are coming no he did not he sad the redcoats are coming

Every person help in one way


I always love Mlk day because a get help my grandma ever year. I love to help her. Because when i help her i feel good to myself I help her cook take care of my sister she mean really really mean sometimes.When she does not get her way she cries and cries.Back to what I help my cran with and i help my mom cook and feed dogs it’s fun.I think MLK day is important because it shows how people should go and help others.Mlk was really cool because he help get rites that those people should get.The day after I went to the doctor.Then went to my grandmas and help her un staple the paper  and check if there in order. and then i met the texas rangers.I love MLK